Search Result: smart ease

UK and Ireland

As the first point of call for all things FinTech in UK and Ireland we have worked with many of the industries leaders to put together a program to benefit you. Whether you are a  member of the public looking for a better deal than the incumbent or a part of the industry trying to assist the other players here is a list of all the programs we can offer you. If you're a FinTech company and looking to partner with us, please contact us today. Business Loans RateSetter RateSetter is a marketplace lender. They connect investors who want a better rate on their money with creditworthy borrowers who want a […]


As the first point of call for all things FinTech in Europe we have worked with many of the industries leaders to put together a program to benefit you. Whether you are a  member of the public looking for a better deal than the incumbent or a part of the industry trying to assist the other players here is a list of all the programs we can offer you. If you're a FinTech company and looking to partner with us, please contact us today. Business Loans RateSetter RateSetter is a marketplace lender. They connect investors who want a better rate on their money with creditworthy borrowers who want a simple, competitive […]


As the first point of call for all things FinTech in India we have worked with many of the industries leaders to put together a program to benefit you. Whether you are a  member of the public looking for a better deal than the incumbent or a part of the industry trying to assist the other players here is a list of all the programs we can offer you. If you're a FinTech company and looking to partner with us, please contact us today. Business Loans RateSetter RateSetter is a marketplace lender. They connect investors who want a better rate on their money with creditworthy borrowers who want a simple, competitive […]


As the first point of call for all things FinTech in USA we have worked with many of the industries leaders to put together a program to benefit you. Whether you are a  member of the public looking for a better deal than the incumbent or a part of the industry trying to assist the other players here is a list of all the programs we can offer you. If you're a FinTech company and looking to partner with us, please contact us today. Business Loans RateSetter RateSetter is a marketplace lender. They connect investors who want a better rate on their money with creditworthy borrowers who want a simple, competitive […]


As the first point of call for all things FinTech in Australia we have worked with many of the industries leaders to put together a program to benefit you. Whether you are a  member of the public looking for a better deal than the incumbent or a part of the industry trying to assist the other players here is a list of all the programs we can offer you. If you're a FinTech company and looking to partner with us, please contact us today. Business Loans RateSetter RateSetter is a marketplace lender. They connect investors who want a better rate on their money with creditworthy borrowers who want a simple, competitive […]

About FinTech

About FinTech The global events that occurred in the mid 2000's provided the perfect storm for this emerging industry. The GFC meant that experienced people lost their jobs, there was declining costs involved for startups and an increasing number of new graduates with no industries to enter, meant the talent that usually advanced the banks' dominance were encouraged to build their own businesses. The enormous success of early entrants such as PayPal and Square has had a profound effect on the industry with smart people the world over making products that focus on the user not the “middleman” (bank/incumbent). As more and more people are discovering FinTech they are realising […]