

Target market for robo-advisers to grow with net usage

Robo-advice does not work well in complex situations but suits people in their 30s and 40s who are already using the internet to manage their finances and are starting to save serious money toward retirement. Robos work very well where the investor’s situation is not complex and a person neatly fits into one of several predetermined categories. For example, the small but relatively focused subset of people in their 30s and 40s who are starting to save serious money toward retirement are perfect for robos. They may have already looked at negative gearing and margin lending to grow their savings but feel disinclined to take on the added risk in […]


Fintech adoption tipped to double in 2016

The level of fintech adoption among consumers is set to grow significantly in the next 12 months, new research has revealed. EY’s inaugural FinTech Adoption Index – a survey of 10,131 digitally-active consumers in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK and the US – found that 15.5 per cent had used at least two fintech services (financial services products developed by non-bank, non-insurance, online companies) in the past six months. It also suggested that adoption rates among digitally active consumers could double within the next 12 months. EY Australia’s fintech leader, Anita Kimber, said it is a change that will require traditional financial services companies to revisit their product, […]


Blockchain and how it will change everything

In May, British billionaire Richard Branson invited a select posse of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and technology advisers to his Caribbean residence for an exclusive pow wow on an issue occupying some of the top markets minds in the world. The topic for discussion on the picturesque Necker Island was the “blockchain”. “Every now and then, something comes along that might just change everything. And this is one of those moments,” ASX chief executive Elmer Funke Kupper. In case you’re one of the many yet to wrap your head around the promising technology, blockchain, on a simple level, uses computer code to engender trust in digital-economy transactions. One of the attendees […]


‘EY Fintech Adoption Index’ – out today

Ernst & Young have now released their ‘EY Fintech Adoption Index’ which outlines how quickly the market is taking up FinTech products. While we are a market leader in the adoption of credit card contactless payment technologies we are slow to take up FinTech products. As our market matures this is sure to change. Exploring a new financial services landscape Driven by innovative startups and major technology players, the booming FinTech industry is capturing traditional market share by offering customers easy-to-use and compelling products and services. We surveyed more than 10,000 digitally active people in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States to better understand […]


Fintech’s advantages: financial technology revolution is a boon for investors

There are definitely a lot of exciting new opportunities for investors to get involved in FinTech. Whether its investing capital in the products that are offered by new FinTech companies or direct investment in these companies now is the time. We are starting to see more and more articles about the opportunities in main stream media and we must surely be about to reach the tipping point. In my own experience the mention of FinTech is drawing fewer and fewer blank stares today than it was even a few months ago. A ‘Financial Revolution’ is a great way to describe our current position. We would love to hear your thoughts […]


Why fintech is high on the radar for this London Stock Exchange-listed company

Financial technology, or fintech, is finally getting the recognition it deserves as funding pours in and investors begin to warm up to its risky nature. Solving the technological shortcomings of banking institutions and easing payment processes while increasing consumer protection, companies under the segment have been quite instrumental in improving the quality of financial services for both customers and entrepreneurs. Following the success of Lending Club, WePay and Kabbage, dozens of fintech start-ups have entered the fray, and it didn’t take venture capitalists long to flirt with the idea of betting on them. According to the Economic Times, the industry is now worth US$4.7 trillion (AU$6.6 trillion), and have raked […]


Cryptocurrencies: what to study until there’s a ‘bachelor of bitcoin’

Joel Emery’s passion is cryptocurrencies, IT and tax law. It’s dense stuff, but despite a recent senate inquiry, legal treatment of new financial technologies is in its infancy so Emery’s Bachelor of Laws honours thesis at ANU is in some ways ahead of the regulators. Bitcoin emerged in 2008 as the first decentralised cryptocurrency, a form of cash that uses encrypted records to validate transactions and generate more bitcoin and, although crypto-currencies get a bad rap at times, the industry is estimated to already be worth more than $14 billion. Every day, ordinary people walk out of the house without a cent, yet buy coffee, lunch and dinner using a […]


Bitcoin lures as investors fret over uncertain markets

Investors appear to be increasingly turning towards bitcoins, rather than gold, as the best way to protect themselves against unpredictable financial markets. Worries that the US Federal Reserve could make good on its threat to raise interest rates before the end of the year pushed gold to a three-week low overnight, with the price of the precious metal dropping 2.4 per cent to $US1,147.30 a troy ounce. Although the Fed kept interest rates close to zero at this week’s meeting, it flagged the possibility of a rate rise in December, and this triggered a rise both in US dollar and US bond yields – both of which are negatives for […]