LendInvest Update: Raises LTVs to 80% and launches funding for student lets/first-time landlords
LendInvest a UK-based marketplace for property financing, announced earlier this week it has introduced updates to its Buy-to-Let product range; including raising its LTV and maximum loan limits, and broadening its lending criteria to include first-time landlords and student lets.
LendInvest reported it is now offering 80% LTV products on standard properties, with a maximum loan size of £500,000. The online lender is also increasing its maximum loan size for standard properties to £1.5million, with the maximum loan size for MUFB cases increasing to £3 million with LTVs up to 75%.
LendInvest also revealed it will be launching a funding offering for first-time landlords, and student let HMOs up to six bedrooms. LendInvest BTL customers will receive a £500 cashback contribution towards legal fees when they take out a 5-year fixed BTL mortgage for standard property types on products up to 75% LTV.
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Source: LendInvest Update: Raises LTVs to 80% and Launches Funding for Student Lets/ First-Time Landlords