

Fintech could close $2 trillion SME funding gap

Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) worldwide are struggling for funding from traditional sources, opening up a significant business opportunity for financial technology (fintech) operators. According to a new white paper from the World Economic Forum (WEF), fintech companies are already leading the way in disrupting the financial services space, and are eyeing up the $2 trillion funding gap that exists in the SME credit market. The paper, which was put together by the WEF’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Finance & Capital, explains that the disruptive tailored services coming from the burgeoning fintech sector include invoice and supply chain financing, equity crowd funding and peer-to-peer lending between SMEs. […]


Bitcoin flounders as regulatory worries bite

What are your thoughts on this article? Do you believe this is happening? Australian businesses are turning their backs on bitcoin, as signs grow that the cryptocurrency’s mainstream appeal is fading. Concerns about bitcoin’s potential crime links mean many businesses have stopped accepting it, a trend accelerated by Australian banks’ move last month to close the accounts of 13 of the country’s 17 bitcoin exchanges. The development is a blow to hopes of bitcoin fans that the currency can play a significant role in everyday business transactions in developed economies, with Australia once seen as one of its most promising markets. It is estimated to hold 7 per cent of […]


Will Bitcoin Finally Bring Down The House Of Medici? | TechCrunch

This article makes a great argument for Bitcoin and explains why we should use it instead of the current process. In the 14th century, the Medici family used the power of its newly invented, double-entry accounting system to build a cross-border banking empire that banks still use today. Now more than 600 years later, cross-border payments total more than $22 trillion. Source: Will Bitcoin Finally Bring Down The House Of Medici? | TechCrunch


London wants to pinch best Aussie fintech start-ups |

This is a very interesting article from the Australian Financial Review on how the UK Government is really getting behind FinTech companies and how Australia could lose some of it’s biggest and brightest to the UK. Great to see so many Australian FinTech companies doing well. Ten of our most promising fintech companies will be flown to London next month by the British government, which is trying to lure start-ups to the UK as the global war for innovation talent heats up. Source: London wants to pinch best Aussie fintech start-ups |


FinTech Investments Quadruple: Top Trends To Watch

Investments into FinTech startups recently quadrupled, growing from just over $3 billion in 2013 to over $12 billion in 2014. And consider alongside that another trend showing that crowdfunding will surpass VC in 2016 as a funding source–given that crowdfunding itself is a segment of the FinTech market. Source: FinTech Investments Quadruple: Top Trends To Watch